About the Journal

The Journal of Neurophysiological Monitoring is an open-access, independent, and unbiased online journal that publishes articles in neurophysiological monitoring research per the double-blind peer-review process. The print version of the journal is not available, and it is only accessible at https://jneurophysiologicalmonitoring.com.

The manuscripts published on this web page can be read free of charge, and files can be downloaded in PDF format. Four issues are released yearly (March, June, September, and December). The publication language of the journal is English.

Our mission is to allow the open access publication for the research community in neurophysiological monitoring. We want to motivate you to research, publish and share your outcome studies. We strive for a future where researchers are motivated to work together with the tools and services they need and are freed from any barriers that stand in their way. We aim to maximize the impact of scientific research through openness and global collaboration, as we truly believe that science works best when research is open.